Please Release Me!... Clearing the Nervous System From Our Collective Trauma Pattern Apr 22-23, 2017

Apr 22 2017 10:00 am
Apr 23 2017 5:00 pm
Carol DeSanto & Jim Kepner
Price: $295.00

In our current environment of news headlines, outrageous comments and heightened uncertainty we face the challenge of maintaining equilibrium. Is there an off-ramp from this highway of madness?

This collective atmosphere fosters constant autonomic imbalance and triggers trauma patterns that resonate with the latest tweet. Living in constant alert also generates inflammation in our body physical as well as in our body politic! Hyper vigilance creates numbness. You can’t feel what you can’t feel. This complicates our capacity for self-regulation.

In this workshop we will learn to:

  • Ramp down from an emergency state that has come to seem routine
  • Quiet the background noise in the nervous system through energy practices
  • Do hands on work to reset the autonomic nervous system
  • Identify trauma patterns stimulated by collective reactivity
  • Refine ways to release trauma patterns from the nervous system and restore a healthy baseline for living

This class is open to new and experienced students. New folks will have the benefit of help from experienced students to better access the energies and to sense subtle energy phenomena. We encourage new students to attend our Friday class for essential skills. Experienced students will be guided to deeper practice and higher level skills.

Time: 10am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday.


Carol's house: 5153 Meadow Wood Blvd., Lyndhurst, OH 44124 Map

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