Heartfull Healing: The Pathways Approach to Working With the Heart

Oct 11 2008 7:00 am
Oct 12 2008 2:00 pm
Carol DeSanto & Jim Kepner
Price: $0.00

Cleveland, Ohio

10am-5pm both days

The Pathways Approach offers many practical avenues of energy work to enhance work with clients who are dealing with heart issues of all kinds. From heart disease, high blood pressure, heart surgery, vascular problems; to concerns such as emotional hurt, spiritual growth and crisis, and opening to greater love.

Our approach brings together the nervous system, organs, tissues, the chakras and energy field dynamics, to create a deep familiarity with what is needed to effect change. All heart issues are intimately interwoven on physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic levels and healers need to be available to touching each profound layer of the heart's intrinsic wholeness.

We will work with:

  • Finding and releasing nerve-tensions in the cardiac nerves,
  • Becoming acquainted with the all the dimensions of the heart anatomy, including the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic geographies,
  • Working with ways to soften and strengthen the energy of the blood vessels and support the liver in problems of high cholesterol.
  • What does it mean energetically to have a "broken heart" and how do we mend one?

The One Day Introduction to Nervous System Energy Work recommended before taking this workshop.

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