Pathways Fall Weekend Workshop- December 9th & 10th, 2023

Dec 9 2023 12:00 pm
Dec 10 2023 6:00 pm
Jim Kepner & Carol DeSanto
Price: $300.00

Note: due to scheduling conflicts we are doing our Fall Weekend in December and will be doing the Inner Temple weekend at a later date.

Yes, we are doing this as "Hybrid" and will have Zoom connection during workshop! 

In our two-day (12 noon EST-6pm EST) workshop we will develop and work with topics from Pathways Energy Work including Nervous System Energy Work, the chakra system, and deepening our capacity for a fuller spectrum of energy.

Through a Hybrid (Zoom + In-person) format we can integrate the expansive energy practice from distance work into in-person hands-on work. We will be working on this polarity of hands-on practice that maintains expansive auric states, and, for those joining us remotely, distance work with an even deeper impact on the body. 


Along the way we will explore more about Figure Eight in this polarity, practices to expand our field in all directions, the standing wave between Potentiality and Possibility, and more! (Additional topics to be announced)


Sessions will include demonstrations by Jim & Carol and breakout practice sessions with fellow participants. Jim & Carol develop a group field palpable even in a non-local format that extends and enhances your access to subtle energy.

Workshop is open to all.

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