This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 25th and ending April 29th.
This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 25th and ending April 29th.
Over many years of working intensively with nervous system energy we have acquired a deep appreciation stabilizing the Autonomic Nervous System is essential to support change.
This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 25th and ending April 29th.
Over many years of working intensively with nervous system energy we have acquired a deep appreciation stabilizing the Autonomic Nervous System is essential to support change.
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development and expansion of ones consciousness through Pathways For Healing energy principles and practices.
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development and expansion of ones consciousness through Pathways For Healing energy principles and practices.
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development and expansion of ones consciousness through Pathways For Healing energy principles and practices.
Our classes teach principles and practices of our hands-on energy methods, including Nervous System Energy Work, work with the chakras and color frequencies and with the human energy field.
Our classes teach principles and practices of our hands-on energy methods, including Nervous System Energy Work, work with the chakras and color frequencies and with the human energy field.
Our classes teach principles and practices of our hands-on energy methods, including Nervous System Energy Work, work with the chakras and color frequencies and with the human energy field.
See for registration details.
This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 17th and ending April 21st.
This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 17th and ending April 21st.
This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 17th and ending April 21st.
Note: this class is not at Carol's as are all the other Friday classes!
This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 17th and ending April 21st.
This is the sign-up for the April, 2012 NSEW Certification Program Unit, starting April 17th and ending April 21st.
Our classes teach principles and practices of our hands-on energy methods, including Nervous System Energy Work, work with the chakras and color frequencies and with the human energy field.
Our classes teach principles and practices of our hands-on energy methods, including Nervous System Energy Work, work with the chakras and color frequencies and with the human energy field.
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development and expansion of ones consciousness through Pathways For Healing energy principles an
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development and expansion of ones consciousness through Pathways For Healing energy principles an
In the realm of the Divine wisdom traditions tell us that "all is Goodness." Our spiritual practice and work of healing asks us to bring out this divine quality in ourselves and others...
In the realm of the Divine wisdom traditions tell us that "all is Goodness." Our spiritual practice and work of healing asks us to bring out this divine quality in ourselves and others...
In the realm of the Divine wisdom traditions tell us that "all is Goodness." Our spiritual practice and work of healing asks us to bring out this divine quality in ourselves and others...
In the realm of the Divine wisdom traditions tell us that "all is Goodness." Our spiritual practice and work of healing asks us to bring out this divine quality in ourselves and others...
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