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Certified Practitioners of Nervous System Energy Work

These practitioners have met or exceeded the criteria established by Pathways for Healing to be Certified Practitioners of Nervous System Energy Work.

Laurel Andrews
Kalamazoo, MI
Email Laurel

Dale Beaver, Advanced Practitioner
Columbus, OH
Email Jan

Bill Conable, Advanced Practitioner
Spokane, Washington
Email Bill;

Emily Cox, Advanced Practitioner
Richmond, Virginia
Email Emily

Dare Cox
Email Dare

Donna Doellinger, Advanced Practitioner
Morganton, NC
Telephone: 614-563-9721
Email Donna

Penny Friedman
San Diego, California
Email Penny

Martha Patricia Gonzalez
Coppell, TX
Email Martha

Renée Jackson
Myrtle Beach, SC
Email Renée

Lenna Kitterman
Email Lenna

Cassie Matt, Advanced Practitioner
Richmond, Virginia
Email Cassie

Chris Myers, Advanced Practitioner
Springfield, OH
Email Chris

Barbara Jean Nagrant
Pittsburgh, PA
Email Barbara Jean

Gloria Umbach, Advanced Practitioner
Richmond, Virginia
Email Gloria

Lourdes Quiroz
Cleveland, Ohio
Guadalajara, Mexico
Email Lourdes

Sweigh Emily Spilkin
Boulder., CO
Email Sweigh

Marilyn Witkowski
Easton, MD
Email Marilyn

Ruthie Wolfson
Moreland Hills, OH
Email Ruthie

Distance Energy Sessions

Both Jim and Carol have been offering distance energy sessions. Sessions are typically an hour "live" on the phone. People have been very pleased with the results this work has produced for them. Distance energy sessions can take a variety of forms, examples include:

  • Energy and intuitive support for personal growth and development.
  • Energy work to support healing and recovery in illness, surgery or similar conditions.
  • Energy enhanced coaching and consultation for personal or business issues.
  • Access to intuitive sources of information for new perspective and viewpoint.
  • Spiritual development and guidance attuned to the particular growth concerns of the person.
  • Energy readings of situations and interpersonal interactions for deeper insight.

Fee: $150

Contact us at by email to arrange a session, indicating who you are wanting to schedule with and your telephone number.

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