The Magnetic Power of Body & Soul: Residential Retreat 2010

Jun 17 2010 7:00 am
Jun 20 2010 10:00 am
Carol DeSanto & Jim Kepner
Price: $950.00

Limited on-site space,
so sign-up soon!

Our soul's potential is constantly present, magnetically drawing and calling us to our higher being. Truly, even as we feel it is a struggle to find our true self, it's impossible to get away from it! We are magnetically connected even when it's difficult recognize this connection.

So, how can it be that this magnetic power may seem so faint to us? How is it that we are guided by something we may not even sense? And how can we strengthen both this magnetism and our knowledge of it?

Our Residential Retreat continues the profound spiritual work at Pathways, introducing ways to:

  • Understand the conditions that govern this magnetic relationship.
  • Discovering the personal work needed to foster this magnetism.
  • Learn hands-on energetic work that can empower this process.
  • Practice exercises and meditations that bring us to our higher being.

This workshop is open to everyone, new students as well as those experienced with Pathways for Healing work. Daily talks, meditation and practice sessions, beautiful grounds, pool, facilities of River's Edge, and sharing meals, all make this retreat a very special experience

Starts: 10am June 17th
Ends: 1pm June 20th

Fee includes room and board!

*Residential space on-site is limited. Extra rooms
available for seperately negotiated cost in nearby hotel once on-site
space is filled. Hotel space can be shared possibly making for slightly
lowered cost per person. Meals at River's Edge all included.



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